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International Evaluation Comparison

By: Avril Helen

This page gives an insight into the different evaluation systems that are available internationally, and explains briefly why a need arose for different evaluation systems. There will also be focus on the evaluation systems of three countries with established dairy industries-namely; Ireland, New Zealand, and the Unites States.

Global dairy production is growing. Since the advent of new reproductive technologies-AI, ET etc it easier than ever to use good genetics and spread desirable traits internationally. But, different countries have different production systems-a bull that performs well in one system may not perform as well in another system in a different country. Therefore, in the 1970’s, it became clear that a way to evaluate bulls internationally was necessary.


In 1983, following talks that had begun a decade before, Interbull was set up as a sub organisation of ICAR (International Committee of Animal Recording). The organisation was based in Sweden, and the aim was to create a method of comparing bulls internationally, so that every bull could get an evaluation in each country’s own index. These evaluations currently done through MACE (Multiple Across Country Evaluation). This system accounts for the scale and environment of each country that utilizes it. Six breeds are compared for seven trait groups-milk production, udder health, conformation, longevity, calving, female fertility and workability traits. MACE takes into account all known relatives of the animal internationally-gives a huge volume of pedigree info. Genotype by environment considerations are also accounted for-this explains why certain bulls perform better in different countries due to different production systems.


International Evaluations

Ireland, New Zealand and the USA all have well established dairy industries. The table below shows some facts and figures about each country.


Ireland USA New  Zealand
Cow numbers 1.1 million1 9.2 million2 4.9 million3
Volume of Production 4.6 billion litres1 91 billion litres2 20 billion litres3
% Exports 85%1 15%2 95%3
Production System Grazing Confined Grazing
Calving Pattern Seasonal Year round Seasonal
Selection Index EBI NM BW



Each country’s index- EBI in Ireland, NM in the US, and BW in New Zealand, are all calculated the same way. The trait is given a weighting then multiplied by an economic value. Each country has different priorities, both in terms of traits in the index and the weighting given to each trait. The following table show the traits involved in each index.





Fertility Protein Protein
Production Milk fat Fat
Calving Milk Milk
Beef Liveweight PL
Maintenance Fertility SCS
Management Somatic Cell Udder
Health Residual Survival Feet/Legs
Body Size

These traits are important in each system for that country’s production system. The following table show how 3 different bulls compare in each index


Bull Shottle Sunnyboy Goldwyn
Net Merit $USA 207 -79 125
NW $NZ -60 -100 -22
EBI €IE 139 65 110

